Monday, February 28, 2011

ACITEVLEH (sounds more exciting this way)

OMG IT'S EVERYWHERE. quite literally. Wake up in the morning, drive to work in a toyota, stop at a stop sign, get to work and walk past the batteries and cookies. on my break i listen to my ipod, then get home and skype. Just a few of the many instances i have been associating with helvetican products! I think it's pretty neat how these brand logos are all the same typefact and yet act so differently. The skype logo is so cheerful and happy and cute, whereas the energizer logo is very sharp and dynamic and strong. I know that a lot of people feel very strongly about fonts and when they should and should not be used. These examples of the use of helvetica are working quite well i think, they all give off appropriate feelings to their certain product.


  1. Nice finds, its weird how one typeface can look so different. They all go well with their context. Nice work
