Tuesday, March 15, 2011


INTRODUCING! the neeeeew starbucks logo! because they need more attention....they don't get enough as it is. It's such a clean cut, refreshing, organic looking design. very crisp. It gives a feeling of fresh, like if you drink this coffee, not only will you be supporting a great organic and green corporation (sarcasm) but you will also contributing to a greener tomorrow! (also most likely sarcasm). I know that I can't necessarily talk shit about this establishment....especially since I am currently sitting in a very comfortable chair, using their internet and sipping an overly priced cup of jo! but oh so delicious... and plus.....the pretty cup :P There seems to be such a confidence that emanates from people holding that Starbucks clad cup. Everyone sitting around me are on their iphones....literally.....if i could take a picture i would. The three people I seem to be sitting in a circle with around a tiny table covered in The Globe, and some other important worldly news outlet, are staring at their screens intently with a slightly furrowed brow. Again I can't complain, especially since I am doing almost the exact same thing, but on my MACBOOK. i seem to fit in alright here:P anyway! enough about the starbucks environment. just thought i would paint you a picture. The design is working great, love the color, love the crisp edges, the sleeve of the cup is a great new design, but I wouldn't necessarily say that it works better or worse than the original designs. Just different. I do like that they are switching it up, maybe they could continue this over and over. generate more attention and more money. then they can finally take over the world. well. that's all for now! from my comfy chair in my starby's cult, see you later. happy striking.

ps. so sorry about the rambling. i blame the caffeine. :-D see you guys at the strike!


  1. I really like that holder thing it's so... clean cut. Same with the cup very simple and nice.

  2. Starbucks what would be do without you...?
    I do like that new coffee cover thing a lot c: Pretty indifferent about the change of the logo I:

    Good stuff Nat :D

  3. I did realize they changed the logo till you had mentioned something about it this morning, and i examined my cup when i got to work. I like this new logo they made it even more simple and because they are so well known they dont even need to put there name on their logo anymore...

  4. Maybe they heard that we were taking our own spin on their product and were shaken by our talents into a redesign:P
    I saw this last weekend as well, nice subtle change but I believe its a definite improvement over a brown sleeve on a white cup. Excellent use of color.

  5. Oh you found this too? Haha way before I did xD. Oh well, doesn't matter I guess. However, I really like their new design. Quite refreshing from the old cups I remember :)
